Seachem Phosguard 1L


Seachem Phosguard 1L


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Seachem Phosguard 1L

PhosGuard rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquaria. It is not recommended for phosphate buffered freshwater. PhosGuard is highly porous for high capacity and bead-shaped for optimum water flow. It outperforms all competing products.

Why is PhosGuard Different?

PhosGuard is spherical. Its shape allows for maximum water flow through the media. Granular phosphate removers can become compacted, dramatically limiting their capacity to remove phosphate. If the media can’t come into contact with the water, it can’t remove phosphate from it. PhosGuard is the only spherical phosphate remover on the market.

*Aluminum Oxide IS NOT REGENERABLE. No matter what anyone tells you, baking an aluminum oxide media does not restore its capacity to remove phosphate. This misconception comes from the product’s original intended use: industrial air drying. Obviously, if a product absorbs moisture, the best way to remove that moisture is to bake it out. However, that only removes the water, not the contaminants contained in that water.*

Aluminum Oxide, Soluble Aluminum, and Coral ToxicityIn recent years, there has been speculation that aluminum oxide based phosphate removers like PhosGuard release aluminum into the water and subsequently damage corals. The evidence to support this claim was largely anecdotal.

So, through a series of controlled experiments in both freshwater and saltwater, we intended to address both the question of aluminum solubility and aluminum toxicity. The results of these experiments show that under reef conditions (pH near 8) there is no detectable soluble aluminum released from alumina. Under conditions of low pH and high dosage levels, soluble aluminum can be released from alumina; at three times the label dosage rate, we detected 0.2mg/L aluminum at a pH of 5.3.

Additionally, aluminum oxide is not easily absorbed into the cell to cause negative reactions. Even at three times the dose of PhosGuard, soft-bodied corals such as Sarcophyton remain unaffected.


For best results, PhosGuard should be placed so as to maximize the flow of water through it. It may be used in a canister filter, box filter, or any high flow area of a trickle filter. In some situations it may be necessary to use in a filter bag. Use 250ml (1cup) for every 300L/75 gallons. Leave product in place for 4 days, then test phosphate or silicate concentrations with either MultiTest: Phosphate or MultiTest: Silicate. If the concentration of the component you are trying to decrease has not dropped to around 0.02mg/L, then replace the PhosGuard, otherwise leave in place until levels begin to climb again. As long as concentrations remain under control, the product is not exhausted. Each 500 ml of PhosGuard treats over 600L/150 gallons (i.e. will remove up to 30 mg/L phosphate in 600L/150 gallons of water, depending on the initial phosphate/silicate concentrations and the current biological load. Over treating is not recommended. PhosGuard is not an exchange resin, it does not release anything into the water. It does not leach phosphate or silicate back into the water and may be removed, dried, and returned to service until exhausted. Continuous use of small quantities is better than intermittent use of larger quantities.


May generate heat on initial contact with water. Pre-wet by adding to a double volume of freshwater (e.g. 250ml of product in 500ml water), followed by a rinse.


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