Schego WS3 350L/Hr
The task of a membrane pump in the aquarium consists in supplying fishes, primitive sea species and plants with oxygen in 24-hour continuous operation. Schego membrane pumps with special equipment offer additional functions.
The optimal and M2K3 pumps in DELUXE version can be adapted exactly corresponding to the required air volume by means of a potentiometer. A switch enables the pump to be simply switched on and off, if no continuous operation is required.
The pumps WS2 and WS3 have been developed for special applications such as water decorative columns or protein skimmers. They offer a higher pressure (WS2 at least 2 m, WS3 at least 3 m water column).
Air output : 3 m WS
Dimension: 170 x 75 x 60 mm
Air Output: 350 l/h