Bioscape Stainless Steel Canister Filter 1000 lph
The Bioscape Stainless Steel canister filter uses a reliable 12 watt DC pump that turns over 1000 litres/hr. The filter includes hosing, hose clamps and basic foam media. Additional media and inlet/outlet are 'after purchase' choices. Easy to use.
Quality 304 stainless steel base and filter cover
Silicon seal ring
Low voltage DC return pump
In and out hoses with hose clamps
Basic mechanical foam filter media
Not included:
Inlet and outlet fittings.The choice of these items is very personal, some aquarists prefer glass, some stainless steel. Bioscape stainless steel inlet and outlet fittings can be purchased separately. Ensure the inlet pipe you choose is at least 10cm above the substrate to avoid the entry of the substrate into the filter.
Additional media. Again the choice of bio and possibly chemical media is a personal choice dependant of the water conditions required and the planned bio load.