Ocean Nutrition Pro Mini Tropical Granules

Ocean Free

Ocean Free Pro Mini Tropical Granules 60g


Available stock: 3

Ocean Free Pro Mini Tropical Granules 60g

OF® MN-G1 Pro Miniature Fish micro pellet the latest technologies breakthrough in fish nutrition for most small-sized tropical fish in your community aquarium. MN-G1 provides a complete nutritional diet that promotes healthy fish growth, strengthen healthy fish growth, strengthen immune system, increases vitality and at the same time ensures sexual maturation when they reach adulthood.


  • OF® Opti-MN. Contains Opti-MN, a thoroughly tested Metabolic Enhancer that enhances the feed’s digestibility and absorbability by at least 30%.

  • Accelerates Growth. Contains a unique blend of ingredients that provides a complete nutritional source of amino acids, protein, calcium, fats, trace elements and stable vitamins ensuring rapid growth and development.

  • Boosts Color. High content of Spirulina and natural colour enhancing ingredients that brings-out and improves the beautiful coloration of your fish in 1-2 weeks. The ingredients will also help improve the shine on the scales.

  • Increases Vitality. Bio-formulated with immune-enhancing substances that fortify your fish’s immune system for better health and extra resistance against sickness and viral disease.

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